907 N. Main St., P.O. Box 606
Travelers Rest, SC 29690


Carolina Occupational Health Screening Group
Carolina Occupational Health Screening Group (COHSG) was implemented in January of 1998. COHSG is a division of North Greenville Fitness and Cardiac Rehabilitation Clinic, Inc. and was formed to be a contractor for PEBA, which provides State Health Plan benefits through the Office of Insurance Services of South Carolina for State Health Plan members. COHSG has also been providing services to other organizations such as water departments, sewer plants, textile companies, small corporations, and municipalities.
When providing services for PEBA and State Health Plan members:
COHSG provides services such as:
Health Risk Appraisal
Lipid Profile including Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and Triglycerides
Chemistry Profile including Glucose, BUN, Uric Acid, Electrolytes, Potassium, and Liver Enzymes
CBC Profile including White/Red Blood Cell Count, Hemoglobin, and Hematocrit
Height and Weight Measurements
Blood Pressure Measurements
Individual Complete Report that outlines and explains all results
If you are a State Health Plan member, and would like for COHSG to come to your worksite for a Worksite Screening Session, please contact the Office of Insurance Services (OIS) PEBA office in Columbia, South Carolina, at (803) 737-0112 for more information.
If you are with any other organization, we would be happy to provide our services to you:
COHSG can provide any or all of the following services on-site at a location of your choice:
Health Risk Appraisal
Height and Weight Measurements
Blood Pressure Measurements
Extensive Blood Panel, which includes:
Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides, Glucose, BUN, Uric Acid, Thyroid, Electrolytes, Potassium, Liver Enzymes, Heart Enzymes, White/Red Blood Cell Count, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit
Pulmonary Function Testing
O.S.H.A. Respiratory Questionnaire
O.S.H.A. Respiratory Clearance form signed by our Physician
If you are interested in scheduling your screening with COHSG
Contact Eric Patch at

Eric Patch - Vice President / COHSG Director
UNC Charlotte, 2009 – Master of Exercise
Washburn University, 2006 – Bachelor of
Exercise Science in Athletic Training ACLS Certified​
Jessica Keener-Physiologist
Amanda Leach
Raven Moore
Jennifer Baylor